Thursday, July 2, 2009
5 months...
Pissed Off Our Allies and not backing Israel
Gave Hamas $900 Million
Cut The Military's Budget
Got the country trillions of dollars in debt thus bankrupting generations to come
Supported the pork-filled stimulus bill thus abusing the system because "you never want a serious crises to go to waste"
Leaked CIA memos that gives an advantage to our enemies
Apologized for the U.S. overseas on multiple occasions
Participated in strengthening propaganda against the U.S. by cozying up to our enemies (i.e. photos)
Lifted ban on abortion funding overseas
Appointed several tax cheats to his cabinet thus displaying widespread incompetence and is now appointing a racist judge to the Supreme Court
Appointed Geitner who practically said he would be open to replacing the U.S. dollar
Disrespected the office of the President
Lied on several occasions (i.e. transparency, photo op)
Scared NYers to death by not notifying the American people that there will be low flying planes over Manhatttan causing panic
Shut down GITMO without thinking beforehand about what to do with the inmates and its full consequences
Ordered the Department of Defense's Military Commission to withdraw charges against terrorist Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri
Advocates mediocrity and is giving the youth of today the wrong mindset to achieve success
Nationalizing banks and the auto industry at a rapid pace thus bringing the nation to a more socialist state
Tripled the national debt
Quadrupled the federal budget
Massive job layoffs
Declining home values
Declining dollar against world currencies
Rising home mortgage foreclosures
Failed diplomacy with North Korea
Failed diplomacy with Iran
Began losing the war in Afghanistan
Spent billions of dollars on GM and Chrysler so that they could either go bankrupt or sell out to foreigners
9.4% unemployment and climbing meanwhile he's talking about light bulbs
Secretly orders the FBI to give captured terrorists Miranda rights
Promotes "Cap and Trade" which will be the largest tax increase in American history. It has passed in the House of Reps (America was too busy thinking about Michael Jackson's death to care) and will soon be on the Senate floor. This is a 1200 page bill that no one has even read. The REEP program is especially damaging to home owners. You might have to buy a new roof before you get to sell your home. Any idea how much a new roof costs?
Utilizes a popular news network for propaganda purposes to promote his Health Care plan which experts say will be a complete disaster. Meanwhile, the UK is trying to get away from this system due to the damaging and tragic consequences.
Sided with Castro, Chavez, and Ortega in the backing of Socialist and wannabe dictator, Zelaya, in Honduras.
No one wants Obamacare. We don't even have the money to pay for this. But he doesn't care. He's like a teenager with blank checks with not enough funds in his checking account to cover it
From the American Thinker:
"We now have had six months to observe the actions and words of President Obama in relations with foreign countries. Here's a brief recap:
* Obama has routinely snubbed our traditional, democratic allies, from Great Britain to France to Germany, and most pointedly, Israel.
* Obama dispatched Secretary of State Clinton to communist China very early on to reassure them that human rights considerations would not get in the way of our trade with them.
* Obama made his American apology tour across Europe, pausing only to bow on camera before the Saudi King.
* Obama gave his suck-up-to-Islam speech in Cairo, being sure to credit Muslims with historical achievements purely made up from whole cloth, using the Muslim-only greeting of respect, and repeating the phrase "holy Koran" at every opportunity.
* Obama was as slow on the draw as conceivably possible to vocally condemn the brutish actions of the Iranian Mullahcracy against its citizens clamoring for freedoms and human rights. Obama continues to insist that negotiations with the Iranian regime are still on the table.
* Obama is quick on the draw to side with the world's socialist dictators against the defense of democracy taking place now in Honduras."
Obama : Incompetence - Recklessness - Weakness - Ignorance - and Failure
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Incompetent Liberals At Their Best
If you don't have a job, what the hell are you doing at an Obama "Love Affair" rally in the middle of the day? If I was jobless right now, I would be busting my ass off trying to find one. If there are illegal immigrants crossing the border and finding jobs, why the hell can't YOU?
This is NOT the role of the U.S. government and NOT the role of the President. This woman has lost all her integrity. To reach success in this world is not a smooth ride. There will be bumps. I'm sick and tired of the lazy with their gimme, gimme, gimmes and "what are you going to do for me!?"
Obama. Leave the giving away of cars and kitchens to Oprah.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Impending Obama Meltdown
This article is by [Victor Davis Hanson] from the National Review Online and can also be seen here . I felt that I had to repost it because it is direct, to the point, and is crucial for everyone, both competent and incompetent to read:
Some of us have been warning that it was not healthy for the U.S. media to have deified rather than questioned Obama, especially given that they tore apart Bush, ridiculed Palin, and caricatured Hillary. And now we can see the results of their two years of advocacy rather than scrutiny.
We are quite literally after two weeks teetering on an Obama implosion—and with no Dick Morris to bail him out—brought on by messianic delusions of grandeur, hubris, and a strange naivete that soaring rhetoric and a multiracial profile can add requisite cover to good old-fashioned Chicago politicking.
First, there were the sermons on ethics, belied by the appointments of tax dodgers, crass lobbyists, and wheeler-dealers like Richardson—with the relish of the Blago tapes still to come. (And why does Richardson/Daschle go, but not Geithner?).
Second, was the "stimulus" (the euphemism for "borrow/print money") that was simply a way to go into debt for a generation to shower Democratic constituencies with cash.
Then third, there were the inflated lectures on historic foreign policy to be made by the clumsy political novice who trashed his own country and his predecessor in the most ungracious manner overseas to a censored Saudi-run press organ (e.g., Bush is dictatorial, the Saudi king is courageous; Obama can mend bridges that America broke to aggrieved Muslims—apparently Tehran hostages, Rushdie, serial attacks in the 1990s, 9/11, Madrid, London never apparently occurred; and neither did feeding Somalis, saving Kuwait, protesting Chechnya, Bosnia/Kosovo, billions to Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians, help in two Afghan wars, and on and on).
Fourth, there was the campaign rhetoric of Bush shredding the Constitution—FISA, Guantánamo, the Patriot Act, Iraq, renditions, etc.—followed by "all that for now stays the same" inasmuch as we haven't ben hit in over seven years and can't risk another attack.
Fifth, Gibbs as press secretary is a Scott McClellan nightmare that won't go away, given his long McClellan-like relationship with Obama (McClellan should have been fired on day hour one on the job). Blaming Fox News for Obama's calamities is McClellan to the core and doesn't work. He already reminds me of Reverend Wright's undoing at the National Press Club—and he will get worse.
Six, Biden is being Biden. Already, he's ridiculed the chief justice, trashed the former VP, bragged on himself ad nauseam in Bidenesque weird ways, and it's only been two weeks.
And the result of all this?
At home, Obama is becoming laughable and laying the groundwork for the greatest conservative populist reaction since the Reagan Revolution.
Abroad, some really creepy people are lining up to test Obama's world view of "Bush did it/but I am the world": The North Koreans are readying their missiles; the Iranians are calling us passive, bragging on nukes and satellites; Russia is declaring missile defense is over and the Euros in real need of iffy Russian gas; Pakistanis say no more drone attacks (and then our friends the Indians say "shut up" about Kashmir and the Euros order no more "buy American").
This is quite serious. I can't recall a similarly disastrous start in a half-century (far worse than Bill Clinton's initial slips). Obama immediately must lower the hope-and-change rhetoric, ignore Reid/Pelosi, drop the therapy, and accept the tragic view that the world abroad is not misunderstood but quite dangerous. And he must listen on foreign policy to his National Security Advisor, Billary, and the Secretary of Defense. If he doesn't quit the messianic style and perpetual campaign mode, and begin humbly governing, then he will devolve into Carterism—angry that the once-fawning press betrayed him while we the people, due to our American malaise, are to blame.
Friday, January 9, 2009
With Friends Like These
Tom Daschle withdraws his nominee to be Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services on Feb., 3rd, 2009. Dachle failed to pay taxes on a car and driver service he received from a friend who was a managing partner from Englewood, Colo.-based InterMedia Partners. The total cost that he owes is $130,000 for this car and driver. It is ironic because Daschle, himself, spoke strongly against individuals who participate in tax evasion: “Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.
Nancy Killefer also withdraws her nomination to be the nation's Compliance Officer for failing to pay employment taxes for her maid for a year and a half. She failed to make the required quarterly payments for a year and half, the D.C. government said, whereupon a lien for $946.69 was placed on her home.
Timothy Geithner, however, has accepted to be our Nation's Treasury Scratary and head the IRS. Instead of taking the high road and withdrawing his nomination (the least he could have done) he has proceeded to fill the seat in Obama's cabinet. Geithner failed to pay employment taxes while working for the International Monetary Fund in Washington for 4 years and currently owes over $100,000 in back taxes and penalties.
Bill Richardson was nominated as the Commerce Secretary. He had to withdraw his name due to pay-to-play allegations in New Mexico. Mr. Richardson is currently under Federal investigation.
Now just imagine for one second if this were a Republican administration and how much the media would TEAR into what is happening. All of this damage and we are only in the 2nd week of Obama being President. Anyone with half a brain knows that this would be dominating the news, talk shows, ..even Entertainment Tonight. Republicans and Conservatives tried to warn other Americans that you must judge a man by the people he surrounds himself with. None of this is a surprise to me.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Media Response to Caroline Kennedy vs. Sarah Palin
Democrats typically express themselves to the point where it's rude, inappropriate, and they always over react. They tend to think with the heart and not the mind.
Don't believe me? Why are hippies always democrats? They don't know how to contain themselves when expressing their views and look down on you if you don't think that the adulterer, Clinton was a good president or if you didn't vote for Obama (the proven least qualified candidate). They tend to blame Bush for every single thing that goes wrong in the world:
Gas prices are high? Bush's fault
The economy is bad? Bush's fault (they completely ignore the decisions made in the past by the Democratic majority in the House and Senate not including the Clinton administration)
I lost my job (Bush's fault)
I can go on and on...
They were all on board to go into Iraq once there was evidence of WMAs. But now since we have found nothing, they act as if they didn't want to go in from the beginning which is a complete lie.
And now. We have Obama as President. A man who is so unprepared and unqualified... but it's ok because he's so smooth and he poops out flowers. Let's face it,
In this day and age we live in a celebrity pop culture society where we elect men to serve and represent us based on how the media perceives them and how they "act". We live in a society where we get our news from The Daily Show which only gives one view point of the story (the liberal view point). When the media is controlled by liberals, of course the majority of Americans will be uninformed.
And now we have Caroline Kennedy. A woman who is not qualified to be the next Senator of NY. Let's compare the media's response between her and Sarah Palin. Caroline Kennedy has gotten close to ZERO negative scrutiny by the media concerning her qualifications and her interviews regarding gaining the Senate seat. If she were a Republican, she would be on the front cover of magazines, have her family ridiculed, skits about her on tv.... But since she is a Democrat, the liberal media does not touch her. Since she is a Kennedy, the liberal media does not touch her. We hear NOTHING about the incompetence of Caroline Kennedy.
They tore Sarah Palin apart due to the fact that she was a Republican with an accent from Alaska. So what if she had an accent. She is a Governor of a U.S. state for Christ's sake. The one thing that I never got was the fact that liberals tried to position her as if she were running for President and not Vice President. They kept on comparing her to Obama instead of her to Biden. The way they twisted her words around, delved into her personal life, and made fun of her pregnant daughter was absolutely disgusting. They completely disregarded Obama's HUGE blunders. Especially the one where he claimed he visited all 54 states. The media even went so far as to make up a story stating that someone at a McCain rally yelled "Kill Him" in the crowd. This was later investigated by the FBI and later proved that this was simply false!
This from the International Herald Tribune, "She has not held a full-time job in years, has not run for even the lowliest office and has promoted noncontroversial causes like patriotism, poetry and public service.
Yet Caroline Kennedy's decision to ask New York Governor David Paterson to appoint her to Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate seat suggests that she believes she is as well prepared as anyone to serve as the next senator from New York - and is ready to throw her famously publicity-averse self into the challenge of winning back-to-back elections in 2010 and 2012."
She will probably get the job because of her surname, "Kennedy".
Why do Democrats do this? What is it genetically that makes them express their feelings so much that they must feel to destroy peoples' reputations and aim to hurt them mentally? And why don't Republicans do this? It truly defines the true meaning of the word, "conservatism" to the core: "marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners" - Webster Dictionary