Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Case Against Barack Obama II

Note* This post was created before the 2008 Presidential Election

Ayers, Wright, Rezko... It really bothers me how Obama can befriend a guy who did such horrific acts. Yes Obama was 8 years old when he did it, but still... why is he paling around with someone who's responsible for killing police officers and setting bombs? Think of it this way:
If Timothy Mcveigh was acquitted do to faulty evidence and in 25 years from now, I decide to befriend him and launch my state senate campaign in his living room and serve on several committees with him, it's OK to then run for President and therefore, my relationship with Mr. Mcveigh shouldn't be a big deal?

Also, how can we believe that Obama was sitting in Church for 20 years with Rev Wright and never heard his racist rants? I just don't believe that someone with friends like those should be President. He couldn't even get a White House clearance if he tried due to his affiliations. He gets to appoint 3000 people to help him out in Washington and I'm just scared who he'll have as his close allies with a history of befriending questionable individuals.

Also, I don't like his character. We can't have someone in the white house who flicks off Hillary Clinton, McCain or calls Palin a pig...

In my opinion, the only thing he has going for him is the fact that he voted against the war. However, if we listened to him, we would have exited out of Iraq and the war would have been considered lost. This would have had HUGE implications way worse then the economy melt down. And til this day he refuses to accept that, at least not publicly.

Concerning his socialist views; he has an agenda to make the rich poorer when America should be about making the poor richer. I don't believe in "spreading the wealth around". Under his plan, people who don't pay taxes at all will get these "tax rebates"... sort of like "welfare rebates". I don't believe in taxing these small businesses that make 250k or more because it will result in laying employees off. This WILL hit main street and thus a domino effect will result. Obama has said himself that he liked to surround himself with Socialist professors while in school.

Also, Joe Biden's comment turned me off. He said that there will be a major international crises in the first 6 months of his presidency. Barack Obama has never been tested and he's never even held the same job for over 3 years. Why should we trust him with this inevitable crises?

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