Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Case Against The Fairness Doctrine

Quoted from

"The policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission that became known as the "Fairness Doctrine" is an attempt to ensure that all coverage of controversial issues by a broadcast station be balanced and fair. The FCC took the view, in 1949, that station licensees were "public trustees," and as such had an obligation to afford reasonable opportunity for discussion of contrasting points of view on controversial issues of public importance. The Commission later held that stations were also obligated to actively seek out issues of importance to their community and air programming that addressed those issues. With the deregulation sweep of the Reagan Administration during the 1980s, the Commission dissolved the fairness doctrine. This doctrine grew out of concern that because of the large number of applications for radio station being submitted and the limited number of frequencies available, broadcasters should make sure they did not use their stations simply as advocates with a singular perspective. Rather, they must allow all points of view. That requirement was to be enforced by FCC mandate"

My commentary:
I think that the Fairness Doctrine stands for the opposite of just about everything our fore-fathers have envisioned for us and it is a direct hit against the First Amendment. To have the U.S. government control the airwaves to such an extent is down right scary and similar to policies enforced in such countries as China. If Liberals want to create their own "Liberal Talk Radio" stations, so be it. No one is stopping them. However, the reason why there haven't been any successful "Liberal Talk Radio" programs is because it is just stupid ranting and no respectable businesses want to advertise on the same station. Conservative Talk Radio, on the other hand, is so powerful because it delves out the facts and statistics concerning politics. This is why the Democrats in Washington would like to see it shut down because they see it as a threat. They think that your stupid. I would suggest EVERYONE to listen to these stations on A.M. As Herman Cain says, "
Listen, you just might learn something"

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